Category: Uncategorized

  • How Climate Smart is UK Dairying?

    Zoe Barker Project Partners in the UK have been working with a wide range of dairy industry stakeholders to understand how the industry is innovating to achieve climate change objectives and identify innovations that can be adopted to reduce the carbon footprint of the industry. They have also been discussing these innovations with consumers to…

  • Climate-smart dairy systems: is the innovation level enough?  

    Greta Winkler The large share of emissions from the dairy producing segment of the agri-food sector have been a known problem for a long time, and several innovation strategies have been put in place to mitigate the climate impact of these products.  However, both COIVD-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have revealed the fragility…

  • Living Labs – what does that actually mean?

    Joseph McDonagh One element of the SmartDairy project which will be carried out by the team in Ireland, is the use of Living Labs to study the potential of voluntary carbon markets. Observing how sustainability measures are implemented and carbon emissions measured on working farms, will give a good insight into the potential for carbon…

  • Voluntary Carbon Trading in the Irish Agri-food Sector: How Can We Make it Work?

    Doris Laepple and Julian Worley Discussion about how to balance the climate crisis and the need to produce enough food for a still growing global population have dominated media and new outlets in recent months. This is especially true in Ireland where a almost 40% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arise out of the agricultural…